Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Scene 1 : (Stone Age)

It was going to be a bright day. It was just nearing sunrise.. The men and women woke up from their rock-bed.. After having their breakfast, the men came out of their caves in search of food..

They have used up almost all meat and also have hunted wildly in their territory in last few years, despite their elders warning them of possible food shortage in doing so..

Their territory includes a small area of light forest with a few trees. Covered on two sides were thick dense forest with a lot of wild animals, and through the other two sides, flows a drain. Until now, neither the thick dense wild forest was explored or entered by anyone in their tribe, nor the drain was crossed by them, in the fear they might end up in a huge danger in doing so..

But now arises the need to do so, in search for food for their tribe.. The men in the tribe finally found a way to cross the drain by using small wooden logs. Doing so, they not only successfully found more food, they also found out that there are other tribes similar to them..

At first sight, they fought each other, got intimidated by each other. Finally they realised they have a great deal of benefit if they unite together and help each other. They eventually started to accept each other and unite as a single tribe.

The tribe have always believed that their small territory was the only world that existed, and crossing the territory would mean harm or death to them.. Now they understood, world is bigger than they believed.



Scene 2 : (Bronze/Iron Age)

It was going to be a bright day. It was just nearing sunrise. The king woke up from his bed, had bath and had his breakfast. When he came out of his palace, there were hundreds of soldiers assembled. Today was a big day for them.

Their kingdom was a huge region surrounded on one side by a huge river, two sides by mountains and one side by a dense forest.. They have been living happily and peacefully for hundreds of years until the curiosity hit the king to find out what lies on the other side of the huge river.

Ever since he was a child, he was always warned that the other side of the huge river lies all dangers and all hell. They believed they were surrounded by these huge barriers on all sides because they were meant by God to not go further. They also believed the river was an endless water body..

The king never believed it and was ever curious to find a way to see what is on the other side of the river.. Ever since his coronation, he encouraged the people to find a way to sail the river without drowning. The wooden logs are useful against the smaller drains, but not of any use against the force of the river.

A few weeks ago, they have successfully invented a sustainable form of boat and trialed it over the river.. They went halfway down the river and confirmed the river does have an end, as the king has always said.

Today, they form a battalion and go in search of glory and what more that could be present on the other side.. Not only will they find a lot of wealth on the other side, they will also find the world is lot bigger than they thought.



Scene 3 : (Medieval Age)

It was going to be a bright day. It was just nearing sunrise. The emperor woke up from his bed, hardly getting any sleep.. He walked down the aisle of his assembly and to the huge ground where preparations were complete for him to set his first sail across the huge sea surrounding his island.

His forefathers has conquered all the land till they can travel and find sea on all 4 sides. Now his empire constitutes of hundreds of kingdoms.. The emperor's grandfather and father were left with nothing to achieve other than the herculean task to cross the much feared sea and see what is on the other side.

Under their vigilance, several models of ships have been built and tested in the sea to see if it overcome the huge waves and storms inside sea. Several explorers were motivated monetarily to sail across the sea but many did not return at all..

After several years of failure, their first explorer troop has claimed to found land on the other side of the sea.. They have found a new empire and an altogether different culture.

The emperor gave the control of empire to his son, and set sail to find the glory and unimaginable wealth on the other side of the deadly sea that has swallowed hundreds of his explorers.

Not only the emperor will fulfill the dreams of his father and grandfather, and attain huge glory, he has kept the first step in making people understand the world is not flat but is spherical and is a lot lot bigger than they thought, and also to overcome their belief that sea is the end of world.



Scene 4 : (A few hundred years from now)

It was a bright day. The captain has arrived at his space-shuttle and visited his favorite crew, who is going to accompany him in this famous space travel.

Scientists for several hundred years now believed that space is the final frontier, and a lot of civilizations might exist in a lot of planets far far away from our solar system. Existence of aliens in other planets and whether or not will they be more intelligent than the earth people, have always been a topic of debate and speculation for hundreds of years among people.

They have initiated searches around several solar systems in nearby galaxies using several satellites, But they could never prove the existence of life in other planets, until few decades ago. Ever since existence of life and civilization has been found in a planet few light years away, the aim was to invent space shuttles that could travel as faster or faster than light, so as to enable navigate several light years across planets.

The warp speed shuttle has been a recent invention and the trial run to nearby solar systems have been successful. This is their first attempt to travel to the other planet with life form and civilization.

It was going to be a big mission for the captain, for he did not know if they could successfully reach the planet without having absorbed into a gravitation pull of a binary star or a black hole or warm hole. Even if they reach safe, little does he know how civilized will the people of other civilization be, and whether or not will they be hospitable to them..

But he knows one thing for sure. This mission is going to be marked as a unique one in the history of the universe, for even if they fail, the mega warp speed communication channels will ensure all data reach earth and help them correct their mistakes and reach out for the civilization in other planets again.

The captain also has a proud feeling of having led the crew that opened the doors of Space, the final frontier, and potentially opened possibilities to reach out and find the end of the universe that people always believed to be endless till now.



The End:

Little did the captain or his immediate successors know, that space was not the final frontier and that once they explore the ends of space, there is going to be another dimension opening up, and make the universe even more big and even more endless and infinite.

“There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another theory which states that this has already happened.”

― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe